The Swedish man hair bun

Swedish men have beautiful hair. 


And it’s probably because they are constantly fixing their hair and making sure all sides are in place. They are so confident with their flowly blonde and light brown locks that it makes me feel so conscious about my fly away hairs. I have never seen so many men with ‘long hair’ as here in Sweden… and of course they experience the same problems as anyone would with long hair… it can get in the way or fly into the face at the most inconvient times.

So how do men deal with this? The man bun.

You may have seen this beautifully worned by such celebrities as Chris Hemsworth, Jared Leto (he’s a actually a whole different type of long haired beauty), and of course Sweden’s modern day god Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Zlatan is Sweden’s greatest football player×350/Zlatan-Ibrahimovic-pa_2781565.jpg

I wonder if it is because of Zlatan’s popularity that 60%* of Swedish men have the man hair bun…

The man bun here in Stockholm is seriously flawless. It puts my own was sexy messy bun to shame and now I try to avoid wearing my messy bun out of the house. It just cannot compete with the Swedish man hair bun!

So ladies how do you feel about this man hair bun? hot or not?

And the men? have you or would you?

Here’s an article + tutorial for those interested: The man bun


*- not a real statistic…just merely observation

Day 101: Swedish men in tights

Everyone here in Stockholm runs. Whether it is morning, ,late morning, lunch, afternoon, evening or night, there will always be a swede running by you or walking with ski poles in their hands. I think it’s a great thing to see such an active society and especially being one where men are running in tights ALL THE TIME.


Now back in Canada and US, men in tights is a no-no… so it’s funny to see men exercising out and about, so comfortable in their tight pants.

shorts and spandex!

Shorts and spandex!






Usually if a guy is wearing spandex of some sort, it’s under a part of shorts. But here in Sweden, the men are comfortable and it makes for some good eye candy. However it also makes me wonder about my own bum and thighs… but at least now I can enjoy my version of the view that men have enjoyed of women in yoga pants and leggings!

So if you are visiting Stockholm or other parts of Sweden and you see men in tights… it’s normal! The man you see running in tights didn’t lose a bet nor necessarily a very high performance athlete. He’s Swedish and serious about being as aerodynamic as he can possibly be!


Day 80: Swede Emotion

There’s a lot of hearsay out there about how Swedes are perceived to be.

It seems like the consensus out there is that they are very reserved, unfriendly and emotionless. It is true that the beautiful people of this country can be reserved, but I don’t think it’s their intent to keep people out because they are mean or unfriendly. It’s just part of the culture where space is respected and I also think most are shy.

However that unruly, emotional side of swedes does exist. If you ever want to see a Swedish man come alive,  then you should go to his natural habit – a sports match.

Here’s a clip from a Stockholm hockey derby match between AIK and Djurgården:

Your preconceived thoughts of a Swedish man being quiet, shy and gentle will be SHATTERED to the last bit. Just like all other people out there, sports brings out the beast inside Swedes, and you will need to wash your ears out 20 times from all the swears you hear. If you ever had a doubt about whether your male Swedish friend ever cared about anything, it will be erased.

OR you can just let that pristine and gentlemanly image remain.

Swedish fans are a very passionate and loyal breed. The atmosphere is exciting with the energy always on the highest notch. Vancouver sports fans could really learn a little something from them.. yes I’m calling out my hometown…

The matches are a lot of fun to attend but to find the right game to watch you should invite your Swedish friend and ask them to decide. Be sure to buy some (expensive) popcorn, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. People watching is a great spectator sport too!

Day 38: Beardlings – swedish ones!

Today I discovered the greatest instagram account: @swedishbeards

If you like any following then, this is for you! Either way, you should just take a look!

  • Swedish men or just men in general
  • Men with beards aka beardlings (shoutout to Ais)
  • Hipsters
  • Beards that have been filtered
  • Lumberjacks
  • Badass beards
  • A manly beard
  • Santa Claus

Alright just view the page already:

Or if you don’t like beards, you can view my instagram:

Signing out with my two favourite beards! One of these is not Swedish though … heh heh!

Emil Kåberg of Örebro HK. Best hockey beard EVER! Photo from

James Harden and his badass beard! FEAR THE BEARD. Photo from

Embrace the beardlings.