Baking kanelbullar aka Swedish cinnamon buns (#Recipe Post)

Just when I thought things couldn’t get more Swedish… I invited the lovely menjagtyckerinteomkaffe to take a big step towards Swedishism and make kanelbullar (cinnamon buns). What makes the Swedish way tasty for me is that they are lagom sweet and not drenched in sugary icing.

Actually when I had my first bulle (sweet bun), it was my first time tasting cardamon spice. Now I look forward to its taste every time I order a bulle for fika!

Alright let’s get to the good stuff!


Recipe for cinnamon buns / kanelbullar recept


Ingredients (Makes 30-36):

For the dough:

 100 g butter

500 mL (2 cups) milk

50 g fresh yeast

2 mL salt

125 mL (1/2 cup) sugar

5 mL cardamom (crushed seeds)

1.4 L (5 1/2 cups) flour

1 egg for wash

pearl sugar for topping

For the filling:

100 g butter, softened

100 mL sugar

15 mL ground cinnamom


1. Melt the butter and mix with milk in a mixing bowl. Bring the mixture to 37 degrees.

2. Stir yeast into the mixing bowl and until it is dissolved. Add salt, sugar, cardamom and 1L (4 cups) of flour. With a paddle mixer or by hand, blend it well into a smooth batter. Slowly add just enough of the remaining flour until it stops sticking to the bowl and hands. Sprinkle a little bit of flour over the dough, cover the bowl with a tea towel and let it rise. It should take 20-30 min to double in size.

3. In another bowl, blend together the ingredients for the filling until smooth. I prefer brown sugar for this.

4. Flour a large surface to prepare for the kneading and rolling out of the dough. When the dough is ready, work it for a few minutes in the bowl and then move it onto the floured surfaced. Lightly flour the dough and begin kneading until it is no longer sticky to the surface or hands.

5. Split the dough in two and roll out each half into a rectangle until 0.5 cm thin or less.

6.Spread the filling onto 2/3 of the rectangle lengthwise. Take the uncovered end and fold it over the middle third, followed by the other end over the middle… kind of like a brochure =)

7. Cut dough into 2-3 cm wide strips (and 25-30 cm long) along the long side. Twist a strip and then roll it into a bun, and there you have a kanelbulle! Refer to the photos below, or check this video.


It’s always nice to bake with a friend! 🙂


8. Once they’re all rolled up, cover again with a tea towel and let the buns rise again before baking for approx. 20 min.

9. As they’re rising, set temperature to 200-225 degrees C and the racks in the lower half.  After rising, brush the buns with the egg wash and sprinkle pearl sugar (or other toppings of your choice). Bake for 5-10 min depending on your oven.

10. Cover with a tea towel as they cool down.

11. Take a fika pause and enjoy them with a coffee!

Lycka Till! ~ Good luck!



The Liebster Award Nomination


Oops so this is long overdue… I have been nominated for the Liebster Award from two amazing ladies: Hu’s that girl and The Mauritian Geographer. Thank you for the nominations ladies!

Usually, selected bloggers are to answer 11 questions about themselves, but since I’ve lacked, I’ve got double duty! At the end of this, I will nominate 4 more bloggers and 11 new questions!

I guess it’s time to learn about me… who I was before becoming an expat and who I am now that I live in Stockholm.

From Miss Tina of Hu’s that girl:

1. When you were little, what did you want to grow up to be?
I have a terrible recollection of my childhood and it’s so spotty BUT I do remember saying that I wanted to be a pharmacist in grade 6… HAHA… What were you thinking back then little Jocie?
2. What was the first  country you wanted to travel to?
Hmm from childhood?

I am thinking maybe to Hong Kong because my mom’s family is all there and we would speak to my grandma regularly…and they would always try to tempt me by asking what I wanted to receive as gifts – the true Asian way! Or perhaps to Disneyland or Hawaii (yes I know those are not countries) because everyone around the age 7-8 started going to those two spots.

3. What WAS the first country you travelled to?
Without counting my immigration to Canada as a baby… The United States of AMERICA! I went to Disneyland when I was 8 and recall that each Disney character had a lot of difficulties using the pen I had for autographs… wasn’t a clicky but a twisty…
4. Peanut butter or Nutella?
Peanut Butter. Nutella is so yummy too but I never eat spoonfuls of it… I easily do that with peanut butter! *oink*
5. Favourite Spice Girl and why?
I went through phases but I think I will always like Geri the most! Best hair and attitude in music videos!
6. Did you have an imaginary friend and if so, who was s/he?
I always talked to myself or took at different personas while I was playing but I don’t think I ever had a friend that would have their own seat and eat at the dinner table.
7. Are you still in touch with your first best friend from your childhood?
Yes! Jess since elementary ❤ I will never forget how silly we were as little girls and still today haha. You are the best no matter how near or far we are from each other! It gets hard sometimes with work schedules and now timezone conflicts, but still in contact  and am so grateful!
8. Favourite late night snack to binge on?
9. What do you miss about home the most (other than people)?
Asian food… it’s getting to the point where I really miss sushi and pho!
Also reasonable priced cocktails like a CAESER! Gosh that would be heaven in this Swedish summer!
10. Favourite way to waste time?
It has got to be looking at recipes and foodporn!
11. What’s your favourite spot in the current city/town you live in?
Another tough one! There’s a sweet little spot on Lilla Essingen and this is the view:
Thanks for your questions Tina!
Now for the next 11 questions fromThe Mauritian Geographer:
1. What was the thing that made you happy today?Sleeping in, in my comfy bed! After traveling for two weeks before in Italy and this past weekend out of town.. there is really nothing more comfortable than sleeping and waking up in your own soft and fluffy bed!2. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?

Visiting my family and friends at home… it’s been almost 7 months now since I moved and long to visit for some homecooked foods, reunions and also bringing over my cute shoes/clothes haha

3. If you could take three items and one person with you to an isolated island, what and who would they be?

My meatball, there’s no one else that could probably stand being stuck on an island with me than him haha!!! What to bring?

A volleyball that can also function as a football so we can become an allstar team, a guitar as we will all the time in the world to figure out how to play it and create songs, and lastly a yoga book so I can attempt to master it!

4. What is that one thing on your bucket list you think you’d never cross off?

Riding a motorcycle on my own

5. Describe your ideal vacation spot.

Anywhere with excellent wine, sun and a great view!

6. Which period in history do you wish you could go back to, and why?

The roaring twenties and to attend Gatsby like parties!

7. What’s your favourite time of the day?

In the evening when I’m sitting lazily on the couch or out in the park next to my meatball … and the screaming kids have stopped screaming in the neighbourhood… 😛

8. Which book or film has marked you the most?

Not sure… I’m sure I have been influenced by all I’ve read or seen. I have a memory like a fish sometimes… when I novels or watch movies, I only remember about half of the details… Maybe The Lion King!

9. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

Oi… really there have been many… I just try to shake these off and live life 🙂
10. What’s the craziest thing that has happened to you during your travels?

I had a pleasant neighbor a plane ride to Stockholm once… I guess he enjoyed my company and decided to treat me to the train ride into the city and then his private driver drove me to my hostel……. all out of kindness!

11. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?

practiced swimming more! I’m such a bad swimmer now -.- ……. makes swimming out in the open and cliff jumping a little more scary.

So there you have it… a little more about me!

And now for my nominees!


Sunny District

Travel Morgan Travel

Liene Goes To Sweden

Here are my 11 questions for you all:

1. Why/what inspired you to start your blog?

2. What is your favourite comfort food?

3. What is a something you would like to do/accomplish by the end of the year?

4. Chocolate or candies?

5. What is your favourite animal?

6. Describe your favourite memory or place from your travels.

7. What is your favourite quote and by whom?

8. Describe yourself in three words

9. Where would you like to visit on your next travel?

10. Name one of your favourite fictional characters from film/book or TV.

11. What is your personal mantra?

Looking forward to your replies!


Let’s talk coffee

Lately I have been having conversations about Starbucks with friends, and once in awhile I do find myself yearning for a soy caramel Macchiato from Starbucks or even a plain ol’ Grande Pike Place.

For those who aren’t very familiar with Starbucks (some way, some how…), Starbucks coffee revolutionized the way North Americans have coffee. Having a coffee really means drinking a latte thanks to Starbucks.

Here in Europe, the selection of ‘coffee’ has not been Starbuckized, unless you treat yourself to real Starbucks everyday (Whopping $7-8 each cup!). In order to satisfy my milky filled coffee cravings, I am now ordering cappuccinos regularly or drinking black coffee… as a true European would…

  • Coffee is enjoyed black or with little cream
  • There are no absurdly long customized coffees announced eg. Nonfat-extra caramel-extra hot-triple shot caramel latte
  • A macchiato is an espresso shot with a tad bit of milk


Sweden’s big chain (or one could say their Starbucks) is Espresso House. Thankfully, this chain is a very good replacement for Starbucks for me as:

  • Each location has such a cosy interior and make for a great place to enjoy fika with anyone – personal or for business
  • They have great coffee and cappuccinos, oh and the best chai latte I’ve tasted so far in Stockholm!
  • A cool hipster feel and satisfy my need to feel like a Vancouverite with a take away coffee in one hand, my yoga mat in the other and my leggings/yoga pants on

Yes coffee isn’t cheap in Stockholm, but at least you aren’t paying a ridiculous price to prove your affluence as in China! The average is easily $20 for a western coffee there!

Anyone else out there feeling the withdrawal of Starbucks?
Now time for a coffee break! 

Sweden’s National Day – June 6

Today is the Swedish National Day!

Fun Fact: It was only made a public holiday in 2005.

Actually, most Swedes don’t think too much of this holiday or at least it seems that way due to the responses from tv interviews and from hearsay here in Stockholm. There are celebrations held at Skansen where some Swedes dress up in traditional clothing and another festival in the park, but not everyone is hyped up as I expected them to be.

In Canada, we all love to celebrate Canada day by wearing everything red and white with maple leafs and singing our anthem. It’s probably the only time of year many Canadians drink Molson Canadian beer! We like to check out the local parades & festivals, start the BBQs at 10am, and have the drink olympics… hmm after that description I know why people call us hosers!

In Sweden or at least in Stockholm, the National day is treated much like a regular day off. I did not see much blue and yellow clothing or people with flag capes… and then I realized that Swedish has been a kingdom/country all along. They were never colonized by anyone nor did they have to claim independence in anyway. I guess that’s why they don’t ‘go all out’ to celebrate the National day…

So how did I ‘celebrate’?

I enjoyed the best Swedish food chain – MAX in the middle of a park in the city while soaking up all the sun that I could. Quite Swedish if you ask me! 

MAX – The fast food in the world!


BUT FEAR NOT … The true party weekend is coming up in a couple of weeks – MIDSOMMAR!!! That is the day when all Swedish shenanigans happen!

I’ll be sure to share the traditions on my blog ahead of time so you can prepare for it.

I’ll love to hear about other national/independence day celebrations. Share if you have a story!

Italian women

I recently learned through observation and eavesdropping that Italian women are in fact very strong characters.

One really can’t boss these ladies  around! When they don’t want to do something, they won’t do it.

This is an admirable quality to me, since I sometimes find myself doing things that I don’t really want to do. I need to ‘stick to my guns’ sometimes and this has inspired me to do more of that in the future. I’ll get to learn more about Italians when I am there next month- EXCITED!

I know this has nothing to do with Swedish life, but thought I’d share this observation.

Day 96: Sing like a Swede… to learn the language!

Each week our class attends a session called ‘Språkcafe’ where the intent is for students to have a chance to speak Swedish outside of class, and the context of proper grammar and personal letters.

That is what’s important to most of us trying to learn the language right? To SPEAK and do it with confidence.

I decided to join the singing group as I felt it would put less pressure to try to come up with sentences and it would help with the pronunciation of words. Also it’s fun! I felt it would be more effective than sitting in a group that’s struggling to keep a conversation flowing, or what often happens is spectating two colleagues debate and banter. So now I want to make an effort to learn some Swedish songs and also the lyrics! Perhaps even a casual singing meet up group in the future…

So if you feel you are struggling with the speaking part, and your own confidence, perhaps a singing session will put a little more fun into learning and speaking!

The nice thing is that Swedish singers can sing slowly and a lot clearer than when they speak.

T. ex

Day 95 – Typical Swedish Family aka Medelsvensson

Oops I am lacking posts lately…

Today’s a fun fact post type of day… So I recently learned what is a typical Swedish family – otherwise known as Medelsvensson familjen – and here are FIVE FUN FACTS of the typical Swedish family.

Medel – medium

Svensson – a typical swedish last name

Fun Fact #1 – The most popular Swedish last name is Anderson

In fact if you see a last name ending with son or sson it’s definitely a swedish last name! Last names with sen/ssen  are generally from Norway or Denmark.

Fun Fact #2 – The typical swedish family has two working parents and two children around 2-3 years apart.

Fun Fact #3 – Some Swedish couples actually PLAN when they will have their second child because you can get more maternity pay that way… the 2nd one should be born max 2.5 years after.

Fun Fact #4 – Swedish families always celebrate Fredagsmys aka a relaxing friday evening with tacos, junk food and TV!

Fun Fact #5 – A Medelsvensson family take one vacation where they travel outside of Sweden each year. A middle class Swedish family lives pretty well and knows how to take a vacation!

So if you have a Swedish partner and you have some family ideas of your own, perhaps you should talk about it first … so that there aren’t any uncomfortable surprises?

Day 86: Swearing in Sweden

I read an article in the Local that points out how English swear words are increasingly common in pop culture and just a part of everyday Swedish speak. And of course you have the shit cool kids who think that saying rude things in English in public is just so awesome. Wait what’s my age again?

I thought it was funny at first that the only words I understood when people spoke Swedish was all the English words used – the common ones being:



Shit is probably my favourite swear word but I was a little shocked that Swedish TV and radio does not censor out these words. This is very very contrasting to North American standards where all swears and even song lyrics that suggest ill-behaviour and actions can be beeped out to the point that some songs are just pointless to be released.

Perhaps it’s because Swedish swears aren’t so vulgar when translated… you can educate yourself with the video below!

So my new favourite swear to say (for fun) is FAN! But always in a joking way… for now I just stick to the English if I’m really pissed…

Have a favourite swear or a funny story about one?

Day 83: Top 3 on my spotify list!

One of the best start ups to come out of Stockholm is of course the music app Spotify!

Here are my top 3 songs playing on repeat on my Spotify list:

1) Jubel by Klingande. It’s a sexy track with saxophone but I don’t quite agree with the choice of video… somehow I think it slows down the song even more so I’d listen to it without watching but what the heck do I know about videography???

  • 2) Addicted to you by Avicii. Of course I have to pick a Swedish DJ. I almost feel obligated for always listening to a swedish track because I’m living here… I am liking the different sounds of Avicii’s new release and this video a little like Bonnie & Clyde. I feel like he’s auditioning for Quentin Tarantino’s next movie soundtrack or something. The singer has a jazzy and powerful voice like Adele but it’s  not Adele!


3) Five Hours by Deorro. This track’s got some daft punk influence. It’s one for the progressive house lover out there! Is that the right genre? Or it is deep house… help haha 🙂 HOUSE LOVERS listen to this one!!!


When in Sthlm, you gotta keep up with the new house beats!

Day 80: Swede Emotion

There’s a lot of hearsay out there about how Swedes are perceived to be.

It seems like the consensus out there is that they are very reserved, unfriendly and emotionless. It is true that the beautiful people of this country can be reserved, but I don’t think it’s their intent to keep people out because they are mean or unfriendly. It’s just part of the culture where space is respected and I also think most are shy.

However that unruly, emotional side of swedes does exist. If you ever want to see a Swedish man come alive,  then you should go to his natural habit – a sports match.

Here’s a clip from a Stockholm hockey derby match between AIK and Djurgården:

Your preconceived thoughts of a Swedish man being quiet, shy and gentle will be SHATTERED to the last bit. Just like all other people out there, sports brings out the beast inside Swedes, and you will need to wash your ears out 20 times from all the swears you hear. If you ever had a doubt about whether your male Swedish friend ever cared about anything, it will be erased.

OR you can just let that pristine and gentlemanly image remain.

Swedish fans are a very passionate and loyal breed. The atmosphere is exciting with the energy always on the highest notch. Vancouver sports fans could really learn a little something from them.. yes I’m calling out my hometown…

The matches are a lot of fun to attend but to find the right game to watch you should invite your Swedish friend and ask them to decide. Be sure to buy some (expensive) popcorn, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. People watching is a great spectator sport too!