Day 37: Swedish Calendar tracking

Since relocating here over a month ago, I continue to learn more about the Swedish lifestyle and the little things that are different.

There are the obvious differences such as the affinity for queuing and then the subtleties such as their audible characteristics “Jaha okej…”

Another thing I’m adjusting to is the Swedish way to keep a calendar.

Instead of referring to specific dates or which week of the month, the swedes schedule things by the week of the year.
For example we are planning a trip in the middle of March from the 13 – 16th.
I normally would just refer to the dates or call this the 3rd week of March.
In Sweden, the trip is taking place during week 11.

I’ve also noticed this for some sales and events listed within the city. Not sure if this is just a Swedish thing or perhaps European… but it is definitely a foreign idea to me!

So now I’ve numbered the weeks in my planner to help keep track… You should too if you’re an expat in Sweden!

Otherwise how else would you know that week 9 is the school break?

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